7 Common Causes of Constipation

Constipation is defined as having less than 1-2 DAILY bowel movements and/or having dry, hard or difficult ones. Constipation is also a symptom of something deeper that is going on. (Read more about what constipation is here.)
Today I am sharing 7 Common Causes of Constipation…

  • Low thyroid. Constipation can be a symptom of low thyroid. While there are many different thyroid hormone panels that you want to test for, one thing I look at while getting to the root cause of your constipation is the TSH level. Ideally that level should be 1.0 or very very close to that.
  • Lack of movement. So many of us live a sedentary lifestyle. We work at the computer the whole day and come home to sit on the couch the rest of the evening. Movement is important because it helps stimulate the muscles in your intestines. The more you use those muscles, they stronger they become. Intestinal muscles that squeeze well will help stools move out quicker.
  • Dehydration. Did you know most people are dehydrated? Ideally it is best to drink 1 liter (33.8 oz) of water per 50 lbs of body weight. If you weigh 120 lbs you would need 81 oz of pure H2O. Anything caffeinated does not count towards your liquid intake for the day. Water keeps the lining of your digestive tract lubricated, making it easy for things to pass on through. If you are lacking in water & experiencing dry, hard stools, up your water intake.
  • Diet low in fiber. If a majority of your diet is made up of whole foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains), you will be getting enough fiber in your diet. If you eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) which includes processed foods, refined grains, sugar and inflammatory fats, you will not get the proper nutrients to eliminate correctly. Those types of foods are majorly lacking in fiber & nutrients.
  • Complications from medications. Constipation can be a common side effect of pharmaceutical medications.
  • Over supplementation of calcium or iron. Iron is hard on the digestive tract. If you need to supplement with it, take the lowest does possible, drink lots of water and make sure you are getting in movement. A few food sources that are high in iron include: spinach, red meat, spiriluna, lentils, dark chocolate, black beans, raisins, pumpkin seeds.
  • Underlying digestive issues. (ex: candida or SIBO) As a result of healing SIBO and getting rid of candida, your constipation will be a thing of the past.

Are any of these 7 causes the culprit behind your constipation?

Gut health is a specialty in my coaching practice. It is important that you get to the root cause of your constipation. Need guidance doing that? Schedule a free gut health consult with me. We will go over your current situation, where you want to be and how to get there. (Schedule your consult here)

Need some constipation relief? Check out: 8 Natural Remedies for Constipation.

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