There are a variety of common symptoms that can all be traced back to the health of your gut. For some people, cleaning up your diet, getting in adequate amounts of water and movement will make a world of difference. For others, symptoms have gone on awhile resulting in damage that will take a little longer to heal. Another cool thing is that since our body all works together, most of these symptoms go hand in hand. That means, get to the root cause of one and others will go away too!
10 Signs Your Gut Needs Support:
- You have chronic constipation or diarrhea. Ideally, you should have 1-2 bowel movements a day. To learn more about what a healthy bowel movement looks like, click here.
- Excess gas and bloating. While it is normal to have some gas, what’s not normal is to be gassing it up all the time or extremely foul smelling. And if your bloating makes you look 4-6 months pregnant, that’s a problem.
- Acne/skin issues. Studies and studies show the connection between the health of your gut and skin issues. Eczema, psoriasis and acne a lot of the times can go away while addressing the health of your gut and food triggers.
- Fatigue/brain fog. Underlying food sensitives can really contribute to brain fog and tiredness.
- Chronic stomach pain. If your stomach is in pain most of the time, please please look into it. For years I had daily stomach pain and it is the worst. (Read more of my story here.) By healing my gut, my pain disappeared.
- Depression. The gut-brain connection is real. So many people report their depression getting better by addressing gut health.
- Acid reflux/heartburn. This is not normal to experience on a regular basis and if left untreated, can lead to GERD or Barrett’s Syndrome. Taking Nexium or Prilosec will only band aid the problem. Not fix it. You need to get to the root cause which is often low stomach acid.
- Getting sick often. Since about 70% of your immune system resides in your gut, if your gut is weak, your immune system is weak. A low immune system isn’t strong enough to fight off all the bad bugs resulting in frequent bouts of sickness/colds/sore throats/etc.
- Frequent headaches. Hormones and headaches go hand in hand. Hormones and your gut goes hand in hand. Not eliminating daily can cause headaches due to toxin reabsorption. Food sensitives can also be a trigger behind headaches. Once again, taking a look at your gut health is something that needs done while addressing headaches.
Remember that the body works together as a whole. Oftentimes, symptoms go hand in hand so be encouraged in that!
I work with my clients to improve gut health and if it’s something you need support with, book new client interest call to see if we would be a good fit to work together! Gut health is very important and can bring a lot of freedom to your life! What symptoms do you think are related to your gut health?
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