Easy Chicken & Black Bean Tacos {Crockpot}

Who loves tacos?!

This dish is amazing!! My husband loves it, I love it, it is SUPER EASY to make, you can freeze it, it’s a crockpot meal, it calls for basic ingredients that we usually have on hand and its on my meal plan every month! Seriously, make this!

Just a side note here: CHECK the LABELS on your corn, salsa and beans. A lot of brands have added sugar which is NOT necessary! Sugar is part of the reason we as Americans are sick, overweight and fatigued. Sadly, canned foods like corn and beans can have sugar added to it which is quite frustrating because it is not needed. Watch out for those hidden sugars, they can show up where you least expect them!

Now onto the recipe: serve with lettuce, guacamole, hot sauce, or whichever toppings you prefer! Enjoy!

The Gluten-Free Life: Just Another Fad?

Hey guys! As you know, my special focus in my practice is digestive health. For me, healing my gut changed everything!

Gluten has become a popular topic in the news, do I eat it or do I not? If you are having digestive issues, there’s a good chance that you will benefit from eliminating gluten for a time. That’s not saying you can’t ever have it again! Since my gut is in a much better place, I can handle small amounts of gluten from time to time. (Freshly ground whole wheat and sprouted grains)

Today my friend and fellow Health Coach Jenna over at Healthier Notions is sharing her thoughts on this particular subject.

Gluten Free sign with clouds and sky backgroundLet’s Talk Gluten.

Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, kamut, barley, spelt, and some oats. It is formed when the two proteins called Gliadin and Glutenin are combined with water. Gluten is touch and rubbery, and responsible for allowing bread o stretch and rise. Chances are you eat a lot of gluten, as the standard western diet consists of pizza, pasta, bread (to find out what is wrong with supermarket bread click HERE) , and processed foods- all very high in gluten.

Just Another Fad?

I kGfree2now it seems like everyone is talking about going “gluten-free” and critics accuse it of being the new “fat-free” fad. And they are not entirely wrong. Food companies have indeed taken this opportunity to shell out tons of processed, sugary, crap food that are marketed as “gluten-free”. 

Don’t buy into it, folks. If you want to live a gluten-free lifestyle, stick to real, whole foods. If you do this you can’t lose.

I have personally found so much success with being gluten-free. It wasn’t until I made this switch that I ditched the extra five-ten stubborn pounds, my brain fog hit the road, and my recurring rash completely disappeared.

So although being gluten-free can seem like the newest fad, this is much more serious than just a quick diet to lose weight. But if weight gain is your goal, eating gluten will sure get you there quickly.

Why Gluten Can Be Harmful:

Gluten intolerance and sensitivity affects millions of Americans, most of whom are unaware. These people complain of bloating, migraines, an inability to lose weight, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, rashes, and more. Many times this is simply an allergic reaction to gluten.gfree3

According to a review in The New England Journal of Medicine, there are 55 diseases that can be caused by eating gluten. (i) These include irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and almost all other autoimmune diseases. Gluten is also linked to anxiety, depression, (ii) schizophrenia, dementia, as well as autism. (iii)

Gluten is problematic for people with celiac disease, and for those with gluten sensitivities. Celiac disease is the most extreme, affecting an estimated three million Americans. (iv) A person with celiac disease is completely gluten intolerant and must eliminate gluten entirely from their diet.

The only way to find out if you have celiac disease is to get tested. The blood test is about 95% accurate, and it’s advised to get a biopsy to confirm. An important fact to remember is that you must be eating gluten for the test to be accurate. The removal of gluten for people with celiac disease must be a habit maintained for life.

Gluten is also detrimental to those with gluten sensitivity. It’s estimated that one-third of the American population is gluten sensitive. These people include those who have tested negative for celiac disease but have relief from problematic symptoms when gluten is avoided.

If you suffer from bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, rashes, joint pain, arthritis, depression, anxiety, migraines, constipation, or the inability to lose weight, I encourage you to go at least ten days without gluten to see if it could be the cause.

So What Are My Alternatives?

Your options are really limitless on this one! There are so many naturally gluten-free foods that are full of fiber and other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Naturally Gluten-Free Foods:

  • brown rice
  • millet
  • kasha
  • gluten-free oats
  • quinoa
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • nuts/seeds
  • beans
  • most dairy
  • eggs
  • fish, poultry, meat
  • herbs

Beware of:

-Barley labeled under malt, malt flavoring, malt vinegar, and brewer’s yeast.

– distilled vinegar

-soy sauce

Once again, remember to be a label detective. It’s very easy for gluten to hide in processed items and condiments, so the more you stick to real, whole foods, the easier it will be to avoid.

Happy to be Gluten-Free,

Health Coach Jenna


Jenna Longoria is a traveling yoga teacher and certified holistic health coach. She loves Ashtanga yoga, vegan cuisine, and could drink her weight in cold-pressed green juice. You can read more of her work on her website, Healthier Notions. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

The Lowdown with Paula Roelands

Recently I did an interview with my dear friend, business coach, and Holistic Health Coach Paula Roelands. Read below to find out more about her, her coaching practice and her tips for a healthy lifestyle.

Introduce yourself.

Hey, I’m Paula Roelands! A transplant from Michigan to the Wild West in the desert of Colorado. I’m on a journey of recreating my world; focusing on health not only for myself but many others.


What led you to be a health coach?

I looked at the areas in my life that I loved the most, bundled the best of them together and viola, created a way to bring that into the world to empower and support people, and brings a wonderful ripple effect toward a healthier world that speaks to me deeply.  While I have lived a fairly healthy life, I’ve had setbacks of my own which created the desire to support others in getting to the other side of them.. The terrain that you come across, expected or not, whether it’s your health or something else that changes your world upside down, building confidence and gaining tools that you will be able to handle whatever it is, is a pretty cool story to be able to develop.


Explain what being a health coach means to you and to your clients.

From my understanding of a health coach, it is someone who can walk alongside a person who wants to improve their health in general, in the holistic aspect being more than just the diet part of your life and help guide the individual to a better situation for their individual needs.

For me personally, I see it as individual empowerment for myself creating a very intentional conversation with my body and my life and creating what kind of live experience you want to have. And inviting your body along for the ride, cause you’re going to get one. Why not help our body be the best that it can be to get the best experience we can have?


Describe a typical coaching day in your practice.

When I wake up I have an agenda that I have set the day before; that includes self-care, family time, work time and individual coaching sessions.  My self-care routine includes dry brushing, breathing, lemon water, then a walk with a friend. After that I have a veggie & protein filled breakfast and kick off my working day by about 8:30 or 9:00 depending on clients. I  work on my programs/marketing for a couple of hours before my first clients session. I schedule my client session for an hour, with time right after to do follow-up notes before my next client. On a given coaching day I may have 2-3 clients. One of which will probably be in person and 2 will be by phone or Skype. By 3:00 I’m winding down and setting up for the next day, returning phone calls and doing up follow-up with my strategy sessions. Then chillax  🙂


Can you explain a little more in detail about your strategy sessions that you mentioned?

Because coaching is very much a trust kind of situation, I don’t actually start coaching someone until we’ve had an initial strategy session together.  During that session, I spend an hour with them just figuring out what kind of support I can offer them, how interested they are in having that support and seeing what health things they are motivated to work on and really transform. We come up with a couple of action steps for them to implement in the next 2 weeks. This gives us both a chance to learn just how serious they are about making these changes. If they don’t follow up with me, most likely it’s that they are just not ready.  And that’s totally ok, and good to know before either of us invest in the work. Where there’s follow through and small successes, that gives great clarity of the immense potential for a success and transformation in a coaching experience together.

Is there a certain area  that you specialize in or tend to gravitate towards in your practice?

I have had great success working with clients who are dealing with time management and stress issues. That seems to be an area where we make a lot of progress quickly with sustainable results results that also ripple into shifts in dietary health as well. I also tend to attract people with autoimmune diseases, where I’ve had success in helping folks increase their body healing, reduce medications by shifting toward a whole foods type of diet.  I’ve had success working with them to go off prescriptions and incorporating a whole foods type of diet. Thyroid issues, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are the most common issues I have worked with.


What 3 tips do you have for someone who is wanting to start making healthy changes to their lifestyle?

*Hydrate. Drink more water.  The standard I recommend ½ oz per lb of body weight.  People notice a big increase of ability to focus and the amount of energy they have in a day. If you have trouble drinking straight water, you can squirt some fruit juice in it to create some flavor. The cleaner the better though. Tea works too, herbal is better than caffeinated.

*Get enough sleep. It sounds easy but this is very difficult for people. it is so important as that it is when your body does its repair work. I do have an article on sleep hygiene that I am sharing here>>>click here for those details.

*Move your body 30 minutes a day. If you have a desk job or sit down a lot, make sure to get up and move for 5 minutes every hour.  Not only does it help your circulation, your brain and though patterns clear and re-energize for more effective, efficient work.  Taking 5 will give you at least twice as much back.



Paula Roelands is a Holistic Health Coach who guides individuals nationwide to a vibrant, confident, fulfilled life. She also hosts popular hands-on workshops on fermented foods and digestive health as well as engaging presentations on thyroid health, stress management, and fatigue relief. Known as the family “granola girl,” Paula is humored in her culinary experimentation by her patient husband Peter and her children – budding chefs Anika, Pagiel, and Tyan. They enjoy hiking, camping, and skiing – living la vida healthy in the desert on the Colorado Western Slope. Find her on Facebook and check out more info on her website!

5 Tips For Healthy Digestion While Traveling

I love to travel.  Since digestion is my weak spot, this area tends to need a little extra TLC when on the road.

My fellow health coach Jenna is here to share her tips for dealing with just that!


Guest post by: Jenna at Healthier Notions

While traveling around the world is fun, it tends to wreak havoc on the digestion system. Many people tend to go to the bathroom either too much while on vacation or too little. It’s understandable because while traveling we are introduced to new foods, and at most times are at the mercy of restaurants. Traveling also tends to break the routines we have back home that keep our engines running smoothly.

But there is hope for keeping a happy tummy and regular visits to the loo!

Here are some tips that have helped me while on the road:

1. Take Probiotics

I can’t stress this enough! Bringing probiotics with you while on vacation is the most important thing you can do to stay healthy while on the road. Without these your gut doesn’t have the good bacteria that it needs to digest your food properly. It’s even more crucial while on vacation because you are constantly being exposed to new bacteria from the water and food.

If you are bringing probiotic pills, make sure to check you buy ones that do not need to be kept refrigerated. In addition to probiotic pills, I like to bring individual Green Vibrance packets with me while on the road, and I drink this every morning.

2Drink Plenty of Water

We tend to not pay enough attention to how much water we are drinking while traveling. The sightseeing and excitement of a new place tends to side track us! This is why it is even more important that you are aware of how much water you are drinking.

I always drink more than the recommended amount of water while traveling in hot climates seeing as I’m sweating so much (click HERE to calculate how much water you should be drinking daily). To keep track of this I fill up my water bottles for the day and make sure I go through them all. For example, I drink 2.5 liters a day so I fill these up, and make sure they are gone by the end of the day.

The bottom line is, not staying hydrated is a good way to get constipated, which will make you feel lethargic and uncomfortable. So keep a note on your iPhone, set an alarm reminder on your phone-do whatever you have to do make sure you are hydrating your body.

3. Eat Fermented Foods.

Fermented foods contain natural enzymes and probiotics that help the body digest its food. They also contain vitamins and minerals that help the body maintain optimal health. Examples of living foods are yogurt, curd, sauerkraut, kimchi, tofu, and kombucha.

Do your research before traveling to your destination to see what fermented foods are local to the country you will be visiting. For example, on my trip to India I found out there are many fermented staples in the Indian diet such as curd and dosas (crepe made from fermented rice and black lentils), and I was able to spot these on a menu no problem.

Incorporate at least 1-2 servings per day to your diet and you will find yourself feeling groovy.

4. Eat Your Veggies.

I know it’s not always possible to eat what you want while on vacation (I’m currently reminded of this by the lack of dark green leafy veggies in India, believe me!) but do your best.

Find the veggies on the menu and order them. Visit the local market and buy your own if you have to. The more veggies you eat, the more fiber you are adding to your body.

However, if you are leaning more on the constipated side, take it easy on the raw veggies, and opt for lightly cooked ones.

5. Stick to the closest version of the foods you eat at home.

Try to stick to the closest version of what works for you while home. I know this isn’t always easy, but be creative. If your stomach is giving you trouble don’t feel like you have to get all Travel Channel and try every exotic food that is offered to you.

Protect yourself and stick to the foods that you know work for you. There is no shame in being a picky eater while traveling if it’s for the sake of your health!


Bonus Tips:

-Try to find an accommodation with a kitchen so you can make some of your own meals.

– Take Magnesium Citrate to avoid constipation (it also helps you sleep better).

– Don’t overeat even if all the new food is tempting.

– Do your best to eat meals at the same time everyday.

– Keep the body moving and incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

– Drink warm water with lemon or lime, depending on what is available. Do this first thing in the morning for a dose of enzymes to kick-start your digestive system in the right direction. Lemon water also gives you 100% of your Vitamin C for the day which will keep your immune system strong.

Happy Travelin’!




Jenna Longoria is a traveling yoga teacher and certified holistic health coach. She loves Ashtanga yoga, vegan cuisine, and could drink her weight in cold-pressed green juice. You can read more of her work on her website, Healthier Notions. Follow her on InstagramTwitter and Facebook!

10 Ways to Increase Your Energy


What is energy? Webster’s dictionary defines it in a couple different ways:

  1. the physical or mental strength that allows you do to do things
  2. vigorous exertion of power: effort
  3. usable power that comes from heat, electricity, etc

What is vitality?

  1. the power or ability of something to continue to live
What would your life look like if you had an abundance of energy and vitality?

Coming from a place where I was exhausted all the time and felt like I was lacking in certain areas of my life, I can tell you that life sure is a lot different now that energy & vitality are in abundance! Here are 10 tips for you!

  1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine.  The ups and downs of caffeine include dehydration and blood sugar ups and downs. Check in with yourself, if you are using caffeine on a regular basis for an energy boost, it is time to look at other areas of your life and how they are affecting your energy. Caffeine should not be our go-to for a boost.
  2. Drink water.  I know, it is something that we all hear but it really is important! It is amazing how much better your body functions when properly hydrated.
  3. Eat dark leafy green vegetables.  Greens are full of vitamins and nutrients and great for improving circulation, lifting the spirit, purifying the blood and strengthening the immune system.
  4. Use gentle sweets.  Avoid sugar and chemical artificial sweetener. Those wreck havoc on our immune systems.  Use gentle sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, coconut sugar, honey or stevia.
  5. Get moving.  Movement is vital to our bodies well being. If exercise is new to you, start slow! Walking or simple stretching for 10 minutes a day and gradually increase.
  6. Get more sleep, rest and relaxation.  When you are tired or stressed, your body will crave energy. Those cravings are often a result of being sleep-deprived, going to bed late, and waking up early for months and years on end. I know it can be hard to get extra sleep but consider the costs of not. Check out this article.
  7. Evaluate the amount of animal food you eat.  Eating too much meat can lead to low energy. So can eating too little. Experiment and figure out what works for your body.
  8. Take time for yourself.  Find activities that restore your energy. Self care is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle.  What relaxes you?
  9. Get in touch with your spirituality.  Prayer time. Is it a part of your life? Do you trust and hope in Someone bigger?
  10. Get rid of relationships that drain you.  People can drain you of energy. It doesn’t mean they are bad, but it is good to notice who drains you and why.  See if you can transform those relationships by communicating and setting boundaries.

Recovering From A Sick Day Looks Like This!

The stomach bug got me. It got me good. For a whole 12 hours I was visiting the bathroom or sleeping restlessly. Boy was I happy when my belly finally stopped gurgling! The day after, I woke with a slight headache and feeling tired. I decided it was going to be a day of getting back on my feet.
Here’s what that looked like for me:

Shut off my alarm and slept until my body woke up. 10:00 AM to be exact. Checked my phone (which I had turned off) and reassured my worried mother that I was fine.

Fixed up my morning mug of warm lemon water. Drank it SLOWLY.

Decided to make a smoothie full of electrolytes and hydration. It was delicious. Once again, drank it slowly as my stomach still felt a little tender.

Electrolyte Smoothie

Checked in with my friends and thanked them again for taking care of me (my hubby was out of town).


Caught up on some health articles and watched a webinar that was on my schedule.


It was a beautiful sunny day so took my peppermint tea outside to soak up some of nature’s finest Vitamin D.


Ate leftover chicken noodle soup and fruit from a dear friend.

At this point I’m feeling much better so I decide to detox my armpits; something I have been wanting to do but haven’t made the time for. While I’m at that, I go ahead and do a face mask as well.

Take a shower. Decide to write this blog post.

Make some immune tea and snuggle back down on the couch with books and possibly movies.

Friend is bringing me supper tonight so for the rest of the day I will REST. Whenever I am recovering from being sick, I start to feel good and tend to overdo it! You know what I’m talking about?! I have to remind myself that rest is still important and the best thing for my body.

All in all, it has been a good “recover from being sick” day. And apparently I decided to share this all with you. 🙂

Remember: when recovering, rest and hydration is SUPER important. Don’t overdo it! Drink LOTS of water, herbal teas & hydrating smoothies. Take a bath, a nap and time for YOU.  After all, it is YOUR body and YOU have to live in it!

Happy Healing!





Drinking Warm Lemon Water Changed My Life! Could It Change Yours?

When I started Nutrition School back in 2013, one of the recommendations I got was to start drinking warm lemon water in the morning. Everyone was doing it and the information I had read on it seemed like a good thing to try so I added it to my morning routine, not realizing how much I would come to love it! 2 1/2 years later it is still something I do EVERY SINGLE DAY and recommend to all my clients! In fact, my morning feels off if I don’t do it! It has helped me on my journey of healing my gut and has created a ritual that is both calming & rejuvenating to my soul. Listed below are some health benefits of lemons and some tidbits about this ever popular morning habit.

  • Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies
  • Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial
  • It balances maintain the pH levels in the body
  • Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins
  • Aids digestion and encourages the production of bile
  • A great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
  • Helps prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections and diseases
  • Reduces pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid
  • It helps cure the common cold
  • The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells
  • Balances the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver In case of a heart burn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief
  • It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne
  • Maintains the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems
  • Aids in the production of digestive juices
  • Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session
Try It!

Cut a nice slice out of an organic lemon, squeeze and drop it into your favorite mug . Fill the mug with water, half boiling and half cold to create that perfect warm temperature.  If you’re lemon is not organic, just squeeze the juice out. Do not put the whole slice in there, as there is a waxy coating on the lemon, not to mention the pesticides that we don’t want to ingest. Go find your favorite chair, a blanket, your Bible and slowly enjoy your cup of warm lemon water! (That’s my favorite way:)

3 Ways to Boost Immunity Over the Holidays

The months of November and December can be quite hectic for people! From parties & shopping to end of the year work stuff, the stress of hosting the perfect holiday dinner, lack of sleep and traveling can make the holidays a stressful time.  We can end up with a few extra pounds, exhausted, stressed out and sick.  It’s quite important to maintain and boost our body’s immunity during this time.

healthy holidays

The best way to boost up our immune system is through our food choices, rest and additional supplements if necessary! “Food is Medicine”  Fruits and vegetables are immune powerhouses, each containing a different unique set of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of them is a sure way to get a sufficient amount of these essential health supporting elements.

3 Daily Action Steps To Boost Immunity 
  • Start your day with warm lemon water. It is a great immune builder and aids digestion.  It also helps balance your pH levels and flush out toxins.  It is important to stay hydrated! Water and herbal teas are my favorite things to drink throughout the day. Aim to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in oz. (Ideally I recommend drinking 1 liter (33.8) oz of water per 50 lbs of body weight)
  • Make half of your plate vegetables. You just can’t even hardly explain how important the role of vegetables play in keeping our body in tip top shape.  Eat a variety of kinds and fix them different ways to get different properties of vitamins & minerals. Example: raw, steamed, cooked, sauteed or roasted.
  •  Stay away from processed foods/sugars/breads. These wreak havoc on our systems. They are filled with chemicals that our bodies must fight off. When we are already putting our body under extra stress, it is a good idea to take extra steps to nourish ourselves. That will help relieve some of the work your body has to do. 
Bonus tip
  • Supplement if necessary. Take a digestive enzyme before consuming a heavy meal, keep your gut healthy with probiotics, include garlic to help fight off colds and to boost immune function and remember to take your multi-vitamin and fish oil. I also recommend taking a Vitamin D supplement as well. Most of us are deficient and this will help ward of the “wintertime blues”.

If you are needing to purchase high quality, potent supplements, check out my online dispensary here.

All in all, relax and ENJOY the beauty of the season!