I Don’t Have Time to Eat Healthy

” I don’t have time to eat healthy”

A very common thing that I hear quite frequently! People feel they don’t have the time to prepare healthy meals for themselves or their families.  We all know that feeling… the one where you get home from being gone all day, or you’ve had a long afternoon and feel quite exhausted.  You’re hungry and think, oh shoot, what in the world am I going to eat? By that time, our blood sugar levels are usually low and we are willing to eat anything in sight. Which is why we often go the cupboard and grab the first available, fast thing we can see. Which is usually in the form of something processed and unhealthy.  Sound familiar? I totally get it. These are two tips that I personally use!

  1. Meal plan! It can be overwhelming to sit down and map it out, but to actually have a plan, even if its just one meal a day, helps tremendously! Try different ways and see what works for you! Make a list of recipes you have tried and liked, use them every 2-3 weeks. If you like to try new recipes, there are tons of blogs out there that offer healthy recipes! Google it!
  2. Keep essential items on hand.  It is quite handy to make sure your pantry or fridge is stocked with a few “essentials”.  This is a great post from Keeper of the Home, it is packed full of pantry staples that can help you create a quick and healthy meal.  I recently opened a can of salmon, added dijon mustard, onions, avocado & spices, served it over some crackers for one meal & on salad a next.  Quick, easy, healthy & fulfilling! The more you experiment and try new things, the easier it will become to do. I’m a “follow the recipe” type of girl but will admit I have had some fun experimenting with little things like the salmon mixture.

All in all, it has to be a priority for you to fill your body with nutritious foods. While at times it can seem challenging, it is always worth it!

I would love to hear your tips on preparing healthy meals! What works for you?



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