Hi guys, Brenna Blackmun here. I’m a blogger/influencer, health coach and founder of The MNDFull Life (MNDFull stands for Movement, Nourishment, Daily Soul Work and Fill Up). I like to think of myself as a spirit fashion junkie and a truth seeker. I’m currently writing my first book and getting my podcast going too. Eeeeep, I am so grateful to be right where I am and I am ready for what’s on the way!
First off, I wanted to thank Carrie for having me here on her beautiful blog AND for being an amazing friend and accountability buddy to me! She speaks so much truth and love to me and as we all know, she says it how it is – something I really appreciate and need in a friend!
I wanna talk about one of my favorite things with you – LOVE! I spent years living my life in fear. Fear controlled how I ate, moved, rested, worked, connected with others and every part of my life.
See, from the time you were born you’ve been taught fear. Mom wouldn’t let you go out after dark. Dad wouldn’t let you date the “bad boys.” Grandma hoarded food in case a storm hit. The teacher told you not to talk too loud. The preacher told you not to have sex. The principle at school made you go home to change out of your short shorts and spaghetti strap tank top. You can’t go on a trip because it’s too expensive…you get it!
After all the “no’s”, breaks ups, rejections and “fails”, it isn’t hard to become discouraged. It isn’t hard to stop asking. It isn’t hard to settle and stop trying. Playing small and giving up has become so many of our defaults.
We feel like we have to prove ourselves and earn our love. We forget that Love is placed on us, not based on us. Nothing that we say or do or nothing that anyone else says or does can change the truth of Who’s we are and who we are. Which is fully capable, safe, whole, limitless, worthy and loved. But, we forget that and so we believe otherwise, we think otherwise and therefore we act otherwise.
When we believe in fear, we think in fear and act in fear. We put up walls to protect ourselves and play small inside of our comfort zones. For a majority of my life, I let fear control my life. I put up many walls to protect myself, but they were really only blocking love from myself and others. Almost all the decisions I made were shaped by fear. My mind was full of limiting beliefs, I didn’t feel worthy so I self-sabotaged. I was never satisfied with what I had because I never had enough because I didn’t believe that I was enough.
This last year, I decided to face all my fears.
I’ve spent months of dismantling my walls (fearful beliefs). I surrendered them to God and received His truth and healing. I’ve experienced more life and realized more truth’s in the last couple months than in the rest of my whole life. It has’t been easy and it hasn’t always looked pretty, but it’s definitely been worth it. It needed to be done, it was just a matter of when I would finally be fed up of settling for a life that I knew wasn’t as good as it could be.
My business started booming, my body healed, my relationships became more meaningful, and I got my peace, light and smile back! I’m finally free. I’m actually writing my book on this journey as it’s led me to a life in which I am thriving and free of an eating disorder, debt, unfulfilling relationships, depression and anxiety!
Check out my post for more experience of What Happened When I Dropped All The Food Rules and keep up with me on social media @brennablackmun or www.mindfulwithbrenna.com. You can find all blogs, book updates, podcasts, videos or my MNDFull Life coaching programs on there! Message me with any questions – I would love to connect!