Our Approach

We utilize a grace-filled, root cause approach to helping you find relief from your chronic health symptoms. Each person is different and our mission is to tailor to your individual needs along with educating and empowering you along the way. True health involves all aspects of the body and we will dive deep on your journey.

Root cause healing is a holistic approach aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying factors or origins of a problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. This creates more sustainable and long term solutions for overall health. We start with a robust health history, symptom analysis and timeline. We than make sure your foundations are in place, because you can’t achieve a vibrant healthy life without a solid foundation! This includes nourishing your body with real, whole foods, balancing blood sugar, properly hydrating, moving well, regulating your nervous system, supporting digestion, overcoming limiting beliefs and more.

While we are building the foundation, we’ll dig deeper with functional testing (always the GI Map) and any tests deemed necessary to best support your health needs.

From there, we’ll create a game plan-unique to you and your healing journey! We’ll incorporate nutrient-dense whole foods, targeted supplements, and other resources including stress-management tools to create a targeted plan that works for YOU. Our goal is to uncover the “WHY” behind your symptoms in order to gain more insight into what’s driving them in the first place and how to best support your body.

Health Concerns We Support

  • Acid Reflux/GERD/Indigestion
  • Digestive Issues (constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, stomach pain/discomfort)
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • H. Pylori
  • Bacteria Overgrowth
  • Skin Concerns (eczema, psoriasis, acne)
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
  • Leaky Gut
  • Parasites
  • Celiac Disease
  • Thyroid Health
  • Mold
  • Hormone Imbalances

Functional Tests We Use

The GI Map: a stool analysis designed to detect microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance or contributing to symptoms as well as indicators of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function. This test allows us to know if there are any infections such as fungal, parasitic, or bacterial and helps us identify potential root causes driving symptoms. This is the first test I run with nearly all of my clients before (or alongside) other tests!

Blood Chemistry Labs: a range of markers to assess certain nutrient needs, immune health, thyroid health, anemia, blood sugar, autoimmune and more. We take a look at labs through functional ranges, which are tighter and more compact, in order to hone in on things that need to be tended to, rather than dismissed.

MycoTOX Panel: a urine test to look for the presence of mycotoxins and mold toxicity.

Our Services

Wondering which service is the best fit for you?

Let’s chat. Book a 20 min NEW CLIENT INTEREST CALL.

No. However, a superbill can be provided for you to turn into insurance.

We do accept HSA/FSA.

Our 1:1 service packages range from $950-$2000.

The Foundation (our self-paced course) is $197.

Yes, we are happy to offer payment plans on all of our services with no additional fees included.


Supplements are not included in the cost of our packages. However, we do extend a discount to our clients. Average supplement costs range from $100-300/month.

Any other food/healing tools that may be recommended.

We are currently 100% virtual.

The biggest difference is the level of support! With The Healing Journey program, you are committing to 5+ months with 8 total sessions, unlimited chat support, access to the Resource Library and much more. The Testing Package includes 2 sessions along with 1 personalized protocol based on your test results and limited chat support.

No. I work with ages 20+. However, most of my clients are mamas and their kiddos often experience the positive effects of their mama’s hard work.

Nope! I believe in a real, whole food, balanced approach to nutrition. The goal is to get your body to a place it is able to eat a variety of real food with no restrictions. That being said, I do not recommend heavily processed foods or anything artificial and will also suggest to nourish your body with real food.

*you may be asked to eliminate certain foods for a time in order to support your body’s healing process.

  1. Book a NEW CLIENT INTEREST CALL. This will get us acquainted and make sure we’re the best fit for your health needs. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you have and to discuss which package is the best next step.
  2. If you choose to move forward, you will be invited to our HIPPA compliant client portal where you will fill out the necessary paperwork and book your Initial Health Consultation.
  3. At your first appointment, we will do a deep dive health history, order necessary labs and start formulating your unique game plan.

That is what we will determine on our CLIENT INTEREST CALL. I work with a specific demographic and have been in private practice for 8+ years working successfully with hundreds of clients. If I feel I am not the best practitioner to support you, I have a great referral network and can provide those options for you.

It’s also important to note that we utilize a whole body, root cause approach to health which means it is a journey that requires time, patience, consistency and lots of grace. It is not a quick fix or a one size fits all approach. We work only with those who are willing and open to make the necessary nutrition/lifestyle changes to support healing and are eager to learn. If you’re nervous, don’t worry! We are walking alongside you every step of the way-providing expert care and guidance throughout the process.