digestive health
All About Protein
Protein is a macronutrient. What is a macronutrient? An essential nutrient required in large amounts that provide the body with sufficient energy to maintain body functions and sustain life. Most people are not getting enough in their daily diet. Your body does not store it, so that means you need to be eating it throughout the day in order for your body to utilize it.
2021 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
The Healthy Holiday Gift Guide for 2021 is here! Browse through and find that perfect gift for your health conscious, crunchy friend or family member! 😉
Benefits Of Magnesium Glycinate
All About Vitamin D
3 Foundations To Your Gut Healing Journey
How To Eat Seven Servings of Vegetables In A Day
Fact remains: for better gut health, eat more vegetables! Today we’re talking how to eat seven servings of vegetables in a day!
IBS Diet Questions
Following this IBS Masterclass, Kelly and I are hosting Q&A classes to answer allll your IBS questions! Part one is now here!
In this video we answer:
- Does the GAPS diet help with IBS or does it irritate candidia overgrowth?
- What’s the best diet for IBS?
- Do you think people with IBS who get a lot of fiber get constipated?
Have an IBS question you want answered? Leave it in the comments below and we will answer it in the next class!
Irritable Bowel Syndrome-How To Get Your Life Back
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Why it’s more than irritating and what you can do to get your healthy life back!
Have you been given a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Do you suffer with uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea or constipation? Joining me and presenting this IBS Masterclass is Kelly Wilhite.
Kelly is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Coach and specializes in the Digestive System and Gut. Her personal journey in overcoming chronic health struggles including IBS and other gut problems is a catalyst to her helping those who suffer. Her passions is for others to have freedom from gut troubles so they feel healthy, have confidence that their health will not limit them from doing what they love, and can enjoy their life to the fullest.
Following this Masterclass, Kelly and I will be doing special Q&A classes in the upcoming weeks. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below OR send them to: carriesinkcoaching@gmail.com. Subject line: IBS Masterclass Questions
In this class you will learn:
- what IBS actually is
- symptoms of IBS
- why IBS is more than irritating
- how to get relief from symptoms and find freedom from IBS
- what you can do to get your healthy life back
- understand your digestive system and what can go wrong
- why it’s important to get the ROOT cause of your IBS
- actions to take to manage symptoms and address root cause