10 Things To Do When You’re Having A Rough Day

Bad days. Hard days. Rough days. We ALL have them. Sometimes there are seasons of life that they seem to appear more than we would like.  On some of those days, we handle it like a pro. Practicing our grateful attitude, staying on track and making choices that benefit us. Then there are those days that we just can’t seem to get it together.

What I’ve learned through a difficult season of my life is that we HAVE TO acknowledge where we are at and we MUST give ourselves grace during this period. Chances are the rough patch will pass and we will come through it with new growth.

So for this one particular day when you’re finding it hard to keep a positive mindset, read through this list. Pick one (or more) things and DO IT. It’s not a guarantee to fix things BUT it will give your mind a break and you will possibly find yourself just a little bit happier! 🙂

  1. Turn happy music on, loud.
  2. Let the sun from a window pour over you.
  3. Make yourself a fancy drink.
  4. Only speak in a pleasant tone. Sarcasm is OK.
  5. Take a break from social media.
  6. Laugh. A lot. Laugh really loud.
  7. Take a walk. Run outside through the sprinkler. Blow bubbles.
  8. Smile big for no reason. Even if it feels annoying.
  9. Read a story. Play with your kids.
  10. Make something. Bake. Get crafty.

I want to hear from YOU!! What things do you do when you’re having a rough day? 

Thanksgiving Day Tips

Thanksgiving! Family, friends, food, laughter.

Love this time of year! Our Thanksgiving day usually consists of a big family get together with lots of eating, laughing, games & fun. It is so easy to over indulge on this day but I’ve got a few tips for you!  For me, it’s important to enjoy the day without feeling guilty about what I should or shouldn’t be eating. Use that day as your “moderation” and enjoy it to the fullest. That being said, consider taking smaller portions and pass on the foods that you don’t really love. It’s just not worth it to be super full! Being the guest, you can’t control what’s being served. However, if you are participating in the menu, plan to bring a dish that is healthy but still delicious. I love making a healthy cranberry sauce or this fall apple salad as a side dish.

Tips for a successful Thanksgiving for you and your body!
  • Eat plenty of leafy greens, broths & veggies during the week. Skip the sugar, you will probably get enough of that on Thursday. 🙂
  • Eat a balanced breakfast & snacks leading up the the “feast”. Include protein & healthy fats. This will help you balance those blood sugar levels which will in turn keep you from reaching that crazy hunger and ultimately keep you from overeating.
  • Take a 20-30 minute walk or include some sort of movement after your meal.  This will stimulate digestion and make you feel better especially if you ate just a little too much.                                                                           
  • Chew Your Food. Put down your fork after each bite.  Chewing breaks your food down from larger particles into smaller ones that are more easily digested. This will help our digestive system out tremendously.
  • Drink plenty of water or hot herbal tea throughout the day. 
  • Take a digestive enzyme  before your meal with some water. An enzyme will assist the body in breaking down proteins and sugars. I use this one.
  • Have fun, be thankful, enjoy!! This day is about thanksgiving, love, family, gratefulness. Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!


3 Ways To Improve Your Digestion In The Next Week

As you know, a healthy gut is a special focus in my health coaching practice. For me, healing my gut changed everything! Day after day millions of people around the world struggle with some type of digestion problem: Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, upset stomach, acid reflux;  the list goes on and on.  Poor digestive health weakens the immune system, causes nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances and weakens all organ function. Not to mention the emotional toll it has on a human dealing with these problems. The good news? Most of these symptoms can disappear by addressing your diet & lifestyle choices! So let’s dive into what actually is normal digestion and 3 tips to improve it in the next week!


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The Wonder of Zucchini


It’s summertime, my garden is flourishing and zucchini season has begun! For those of you who do garden, you know what I mean when I say “zucchini season has begun”.  They seem to produce lots and lots and you might find yourself overwhelmed with it all! I want to touch briefly why zucchini is so awesome and then give you a few ideas on what to do with it! (Zucchini Pie anyone?!)


Health Benefits of Zucchini
  • Excellent source of Vitamins A, C and B (+ folate).
  • Antioxidants=healthy immune system
  • Potassium: 1 cup of cooked zucchini gives your more than 15% of your daily value.
  • Excellent source of Dietary Fiber: plus it is very hydrating which is good for the digestive tract. A perfect veggie for constipation relief an can actually help with diarrhea as well.

Zucchini has a high water content, making it low in sugar and carbs. Therefore a perfect weight loss vegetable. Along with the high water content comes good dietary fiber..which will help keep things moving along and soothe digestive distress due to the electrolytes in this vegetable. Pretty Cool!

What to do with zucchini   vegetables-671768_1920
  • Grill it! Cut into wedges, add oil & salt. Grill on each side a 3-4 minutes.
  • Bake with it! Zucchini bread or muffins.
  • Zucchini Pie! Sounds weird I know but it is TOTALLY awesome! Like a custard!
  • Add to salsas! Here is one of my favorite recipes, you can add some to it.
  • Zucchini noodles! Delicious in a lasagna!
  • Stir-fry! Add some garlic and onions with it. Crack a couple eggs in the pan for protein.
  • Zucchini Fries! ABSOLUTELY amazing! We couldn’t eat them fast enough! Drizzle oil and spices over them, roast in 450 degree oven! Broil for 2-3 minutes for crispiness!


I love hearing from my readers! Let me know in the comment box below how you use your zucchini!



3 Ways to Boost Immunity Over the Holidays

The months of November and December can be quite hectic for people! From parties & shopping to end of the year work stuff, the stress of hosting the perfect holiday dinner, lack of sleep and traveling can make the holidays a stressful time.  We can end up with a few extra pounds, exhausted, stressed out and sick.  It’s quite important to maintain and boost our body’s immunity during this time.

healthy holidays

The best way to boost up our immune system is through our food choices, rest and additional supplements if necessary! “Food is Medicine”  Fruits and vegetables are immune powerhouses, each containing a different unique set of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of them is a sure way to get a sufficient amount of these essential health supporting elements.

3 Daily Action Steps To Boost Immunity 
  • Start your day with warm lemon water. It is a great immune builder and aids digestion.  It also helps balance your pH levels and flush out toxins.  It is important to stay hydrated! Water and herbal teas are my favorite things to drink throughout the day. Aim to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in oz. (Ideally I recommend drinking 1 liter (33.8) oz of water per 50 lbs of body weight)
  • Make half of your plate vegetables. You just can’t even hardly explain how important the role of vegetables play in keeping our body in tip top shape.  Eat a variety of kinds and fix them different ways to get different properties of vitamins & minerals. Example: raw, steamed, cooked, sauteed or roasted.
  •  Stay away from processed foods/sugars/breads. These wreak havoc on our systems. They are filled with chemicals that our bodies must fight off. When we are already putting our body under extra stress, it is a good idea to take extra steps to nourish ourselves. That will help relieve some of the work your body has to do. 
Bonus tip
  • Supplement if necessary. Take a digestive enzyme before consuming a heavy meal, keep your gut healthy with probiotics, include garlic to help fight off colds and to boost immune function and remember to take your multi-vitamin and fish oil. I also recommend taking a Vitamin D supplement as well. Most of us are deficient and this will help ward of the “wintertime blues”.

If you are needing to purchase high quality, potent supplements, check out my online dispensary here.

All in all, relax and ENJOY the beauty of the season!

Got Stress?

Got Stress?
Stress. We all have it and we all deal with it. Let’s talk.

There are several different definitions of stress, but the one we are going to focus on today is this definition by The Merriam Webster dictionary: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

These last few weeks for me have been very demanding. Demanding enough that my body started performing at what I would NOT call optimal level; swollen lymph glands, tired, knots in my shoulder, digestion out of whack, emotional & just a wee bit cranky. To be quite honest, when I first started feeling sick, I was quite annoyed! “Who cares if I have been super busy? I can handle this! I should be able to handle this!”   However, I knew that I could not ignore what was going on & I also knew that I needed to rest & give my body some time to restore.

Dr. Andrew Weil, a brilliant doctor and who I quite admire, gives us some facts about how stress impacts our lives:

  • Stress has been linked to all the leading causes of death, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, accidents and suicide.
  • Almost 90 percent of all visits to primary health care providers are due to stress-related problems.
  • Nearly one-half of all adults suffer adverse effects from stress.
  • It is estimated that 1 million Americans miss work due to stress-related complaints.
  • Workplace violence has been attributed to stress. Homicide is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injury.

Some physical consequences of chronic stress:

  • Heart Disease. Sudden changes in heart rate and increased demands on the cardiovascular system can precipitate angina even increase one’s risk for a fatal heart attack. Repetitive increases in blood pressure can damage the inner lining of the artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis.
  • Stroke. Prolonged or frequent episodes of stress can gradually worsen high blood pressure, affecting the cardiovascular system and the arteries that lead to the brain, thus increasing the risk of stroke.
  • Depressed Immune System. Prolonged exposure to stress can blunt the immune system response, increasing the risk for colds and more serious infections.
  • Weight and Body-Fat Changes. Chronic stress can cause either a loss in appetite and weight loss or an increase in cravings for fat, sugar and salt, which leads to weight gain. A recent study suggested that chronic stress can cause abdominal fat accumulation in otherwise thin women. The researchers attributed this fat accumulation to an increased secretion of the hormone cortisol, which is released during stress – some release more cortisol than others. Central distribution of fat increases one’s risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
  • Insomnia. Chronic stress makes it difficult for people to get a restful night’s sleep, which interferes with the body’s mechanisms for recovering and repairing itself. A lack of sleep can also worsen psychological stress and prevent one from recognizing problems and dealing with them rationally.
  • Migraines. Studies have suggested that migraine attacks occur more frequently when one is under increased levels of stress.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A strong correlation has been associated between stress and IBS.
With facts like that, I would say it is important to confront it! So, let’s talk ways to manage stress!
  • Accept that you are stressed. This was a big one for me and the first step in managing it. I didn’t want to be stressed, I wanted to be able to do everything & have it not affect me. There comes a time where you just have to stop and be honest with yourself.
  • Pin point what is causing your stress. There can be several factors involved so figure which one (or ones) are triggering it.
  • Do something that relaxes you. This will vary from person to person. Relax with a good book, take a bubble bath, go on a walk, bake, watch a movie, coffee or tea with friends. Whatever you find relaxing, make time to do it. Daily.
  • Prayer Time. It is a known fact that our mindset or mental state plays a huge role in our general well being. Daily prayer time is so important!
  • Learn to say no. This is super hard for most of us, but you know what? You CAN say no, you don’t have to do everything! It does not make you a bad person or make you an uncaring one either!
  • Strive for balanced meals & drink plenty of water. What we eat plays a big part in our moods, how we feel, the health of our bodies & our general well-being. Stay hydrated & eliminate caffeine if necessary.
  • Exercise. Cardio, yoga, swimming, walking, biking, breathing exercises; there are lots of choices! Choose one that best fits you in that moment.

To sum it up, stress will come into our lives at some point in time. Learn to recognize it, accept it & make changes. Your body & mind will thank you.

I would love to hear from you! How does stress affect you and what are your favorite ways to manage it?

Road Trip Snacks

I love to travel.  My husband’s family lives 15 hours away and we usually make at least 1 trip a year back there.  In the car. Which makes for a long day of sitting. By the time we get there, it feels like I am really tired (which seems odd considering I can sleep literally the whole way there) and my belly isn’t usually feeling the best.

I always make sure to pack healthy snacks and a few other essentials along for the ride! Posted below is what I took with me on a recent trip.

IMG_1346[1]Fresh Cut Vegetables: Always a good option. You can make guacamole to dip them in or if your body can handle dairy, get some organic sour cream and add in spices (onion, garlic, parsley, dill, pink salt) to make your own dip!


Trail Mix


Homemade Trail Mix: Recipe Here


Larabars: I love these bars! Although high in sugar, the sugar comes from dates which I personally love. There are usually very few ingredients in these bars and they are always WHOLE foods! You can also get a variety of flavors! Score! (photo from Vitacost.com)

Dark Chocolate: One of my favorites.

Water: lots and lots! 🙂 Fill up a (stainless steel or glass) bottle and bring an extra gallon to fill it up with later!


Last but not least is my DigestZen oil from doTERRA. My stomach usually feels a little bloated after a long day in the car and this oil offers some relief.


I would love to hear from you! What are some of your road trip essentials? Click here for more healthy road trip snack options!





My First Experience Making Almond Meal

It all started when I seen a recipe for Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes….

After thinking they looked delicious, I had all the ingredients for it AND it would fit perfectly into my gluten free menu for the week, I seen I had just a wee bit of store bought left and a big bag of raw almonds. Why not try making my own?

I don’t use almond meal/flour a lot. I haven’t experimented with it much and the texture takes me a little getting used to. But I decided to try it out!

Side note: Almond Flour: ground finer and usually with blanched almonds (skins removed).   Almond Meal: more of a coarser grind and the skins are usually left on.

Step 1: Soak the raw almonds.  I soaked them for about 24 hours.

Soaking AlmondsStep 2: Drain & rinse the almonds. (And eat several because they are quite delicious!)


Step 3: Dry the almonds. I laid them out on a cookie sheet and stuck them in the oven at the lowest heat setting for 3-4 hours.  Side note: Notice the little white spots on the ends of the almonds, they have started to sprout.

Soaked/Sprouted Almonds


Step 4: Grind it up! The first picture I ground it using my regular ole’ blender. It was quite coarse and I did use it for the pancakes. The second picture, I ground using my coffee grinder, making it much finer. I stuck it in the fridge, ready for my next recipe!



Almond MealGround Almond Meal


Step 5: Be excited that you just made your own almond meal! 🙂