Protein is a macronutrient. What is a macronutrient? An essential nutrient required in large amounts that provide the body with sufficient energy to maintain body functions and sustain life. Most people are not getting enough in their daily diet. Your body does not store it, so that means you need to be eating it throughout the day in order for your body to utilize it.
healthy eating
Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
Introducing Zucchini Pie
Creamy Sausage Potato Kale Soup {Dairy Free}
This creamy sausage potato kale soup is so good! It’s filling, it’s comforting and did I mention dairy free?
Sausage, Sweet Potato & Broccoli Sheet Pan Meal
IBS Diet Questions
Following this IBS Masterclass, Kelly and I are hosting Q&A classes to answer allll your IBS questions! Part one is now here!
In this video we answer:
- Does the GAPS diet help with IBS or does it irritate candidia overgrowth?
- What’s the best diet for IBS?
- Do you think people with IBS who get a lot of fiber get constipated?
Have an IBS question you want answered? Leave it in the comments below and we will answer it in the next class!
Why You Should Buy CHOMPS Meat Sticks
Whole Roasted Carrots
Healthy Ingredient Upgrades For Thanksgiving
Make your Thanksgiving meal more nourishing by upgrading your ingredients. Most ingredients in a recipe can easily be swapped for a healthier upgrade without compromising flavor! Take a look at the list below. What healthy upgrades can you make in your cooking/baking? This particular list includes products that you can swap out one for one. Ingredients like almond or coconut flour are great baking options, but are not a one for one swap so they are not on the list. If you want to use those ingredients, I recommend finding a recipe that calls for it.
Why I Choose To Eat Healthy
Why eat healthy?
This is a question that gets asked frequently along with the comment…”I don’t know why you do, you’re so skinny”.
Well friends, I’m about to get real frank, honest and maybe a little sarcastic. You were warned. 😉