Protein is a macronutrient. What is a macronutrient? An essential nutrient required in large amounts that provide the body with sufficient energy to maintain body functions and sustain life. Most people are not getting enough in their daily diet. Your body does not store it, so that means you need to be eating it throughout the day in order for your body to utilize it.
Why You Should Buy CHOMPS Meat Sticks
How To Make A Yogurt Bowl
One thing I love about these bowls is how versatile they can be! From the different types of yogurt to various toppings, you can switch things up to whatever you’re feeling. Pictured below is a favorite: fall inspired apple bowl with cinnamon! So good! {You can also visit my Instagram for more bowl ideas}
The Three W’s of Workout Nutrition: Part Two
Hey guys! My fellow Health Coach Virginia is back to share with us about workout nutrition! If you remember in Part One, she showed us how to eat before and after a strength training workout. Workout nutrition is important in order to achieve specific goals, so today she is talking all about cardio. Grab a cup of coffee and read up!
The Three W’s of Workout Nutrition: Part One
If you are anything like me, knowing what to eat before and after a workout can be confusing! I called on Figure Competitor & fellow Health Coach Virginia Horsey to help answer some of these questions!
Roasted Buttered Salmon
Benefits of Salmon:
- High in Protein: a 4 oz filet is approximately 23 grams of protein
- Omega 3 fatty acids: a VERY IMPORTANT part of a healthy YOU. (Inflammation fighter, heart health, cancer prevention, brain health)
When buying salmon, look for Alaskan WILD CAUGHT. While farm raised salmon is fattier than wild caught, most of the time it can be full of poor quality omega 6 fatty acids instead of powerful anti-inflammatory omega 3’s.
Healthy Peanut Butter Bites
They freeze well so mix up a double batch and stick them in the freezer! I took these to my first ever public workshop and they were a huge hit!