How To Eat Seven Servings of Vegetables In A Day

Fact remains: for better gut health, eat more vegetables! Today we’re talking how to eat seven servings of vegetables in a day!

how to eat more vegetables


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Restaurant Style Salsa

I really like to make this salsa during the winter months or when tomatoes are not in season. By using canned tomatoes & adding the fresh ingredients, it creates a delicious “fresh” flavor.

I use my home canned tomatoes (tomatoes & salt) but you can pick some up from the grocery. You can adjust the amounts of tomato & cilantro to your liking.

(TIP: canning whole tomatoes is very easy. I just stuff the jars as full as I can, add 1/2-1 tsp pink salt and can.)

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Honey & Lime Fruit Salad

There is nothing quite as refreshing as a bowl of fresh fruit! This delightful combination leaves your taste buds happy and you tummy wanting more!

The key is to use all FRESH fruit. Be sure wash it first (get my produce wash recipe here), chop it into a big bowl, snitch a few pieces and smile at all the BEAUTIFUL colors!

Fruit is something we should all be consuming in our diet on a regular basis! There are so many options to choose from and each one has unique nutritional contents that nourish our bodies.

A few health benefits:
  • Kiwis: extremely high in Vitamin C.
  • Bananas: great source of potassium, which is used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in our bodies.
  • Blueberries: high antioxidant content, low sugar fruit and full of fiber which helps keep us “regular”.
  • Pineapples: reduces inflammation and helps fight cancer.
  • Grapes: can help with high blood pressure.
  • Strawberries: boosts brain function and immunity.

Inspired by an online recipe.

Healthy Holiday Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce-is it a part of your Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner?

Cranberry sauce was a new adventure for me. I was very excited to try it and quite pleased how it turned out! Throwing all the ingredients in the pan and turning the heat up, I was delighted to hear the sound of those berries popping! Most cranberry sauce recipes call for a large amount of sugar so I was pleased to find you can cut the content by over half! It does make more of a tart sauce, but it will go perfect with your turkey 😉

Facts on Cranberries
  • As the berry ripens, it turns from green to red.
  • High antioxidant content.
  • Helps prevent or treat urinary tract infections.
  • Decreases inflammation.
  • Helps fight against cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
  • All around a very powerful berry that boosts immune function




Herbed Tomato & Cucumber Salad

Fresh Summertime Veggies-the “Greek” Way

There’s just nothing like FRESH tomatoes from the garden,  juicy red, full of FLAVOR…YUM!

This salad is so refreshing in the summer. It makes a great addition to a meal and is very refreshing as a snack.

Olive oil is a wonderful healthy fat so drizzling it over your fresh vegetables helps get your fat intake for the day! Fresh oregano tastes amazing on this dish, however you can use dried. (Did you know oregano is the BEST anti-fungal we have on this earth?!)