The Healthy Gut Bundle

Ever wonder how to use a castor oil pack? How to stay healthy during the holidays? What about understanding what your gut microbiome is? Or how to find balance in the day-to day? And how do you transition to a gluten free diet? What is gluten? Or maybe you just need a tasty, healthy, quick lunch recipe….


The Healthy Gut Bundle! A variety of 10 digital guides to educate and help you navigate through some of these questions. Maybe you’re looking for some fresh healthy recipe inspiration or you’ve been wanting to use a castor oil and need directions.

This bundle is for you!

What’s Included

7 Ways To Reset Your Gut: understanding your microbiome and how to support it

Gut Health For The Holidays: tips, recipes and an immune supplement protocol designed to keep you and your gut healthy during the holiday season

The Healing Power Of Castor Oil: benefits of this oil, how to use it to ease stomach discomfort, reduce bloating and promote digestion and step-by-step instructions to show you how to use a castor oil pack

Finding Balance-Essential tips for stress management

Going Gluten Free: education on gluten, how to go gluten free, favorite brands and additional ways to help you successfully achieve a gluten free diet

Ways To Support Your Gut After Antibiotics: nutrition and supplement suggestions to rebalance your gut after antibiotics

7 Simple Ways To Add More Whole Foods Into Your Diet: effective tips to increase your nutrient intake

10 Healthy Lunch Recipes In Under 15 Minutes: easy, gluten free, real food based recipes

7 Day Elimination Meal Guide: delicious recipes without the common food allergens and complete with a shopping list

7 Day Paleo Meal Guide: grain and gluten free recipes with a shopping list

Rating: 5 out of 5.