Why eat healthy?
This is a question that gets asked frequently along with the comment…”I don’t know why you do, you’re so skinny”.
Well friends, I’m about to get real frank, honest and maybe a little sarcastic. You were warned. 😉
First of all…
Skinny does not mean healthy. It’s offensive when people make that comment when you’ve spent years in chronic pain, with many many ER/doctor visits, and dealing with embarrassing uncomfortable health situations. Skinny does not mean healthy. When your doctor says “your medical file is thicker than an old lady’s” when you are still in your teens. Skinny does not mean healthy. When you have to pop Tylenol 5x a week for headaches. Skinny does not mean healthy. When you are constantly sick. Skinny does not mean healthy.
So let’s talk about why I choose to eat healthy:
It drastically changed my life. By addressing my diet, I got rid of most of my health problems. My daily headaches? Gone. My stomach pain I doubled over with every night? Gone. My long, painful, awkward bathroom visits? Smooth sailing in under 2 minutes. (Read more of my story here.)
I feel better when I do. Let’s be honest. Anyone who says they feel great on a highly processed, junk food diet with minimal water either is lying or has never experienced great health. Your body is designed to thrive on real, whole foods. Sure, it can handle crap that we put into it because our bodies are amazing, BUT eventually it will start to have problems and we are ignorant if we think otherwise.
I show up better. For myself, for others. Serving others is something that is important to me and I can do that easier when I feel good.
Prevention is important. So many diseases we are dealing with nowadays are lifestyle related. Yes, I know that health problems come to those who are living a healthy lifestyle, even if they make choices that nourish their body. I’m not saying that by eating healthy no problems will ever come. I’m saying that it’s worth it to take care of your body and there are sacrifices I am willing to make that will see reward later on.
Bottom line…
I feel better when I do. And that impacts every single part of my life. Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Does that mean my diet is perfect? NO. Does that mean I refuse to eat in social settings because of the food? No. Does that mean I have to say yes to a third piece of cake? No. Does that mean life is strict, unpleasant and boring? No.
Eating healthy is simple. We as humans over complicate it. I’m on a mission to teach women how to nourish their bodies with real, whole foods. To simplify the process of healthy eating. Find freedom and joy with food. Get rid of the strict calorie counting and insane diets. Enjoy food and it’s role in our life.
Remember, we all start somewhere. Start with ONE thing to change or incorporate into your life. Health is a journey. It takes time. Strive for progress, not perfection. You are loved.
If this is something you need support with. Reach out. Book a free 30 minute call with me and let’s chat.